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ISO 14001:2015 micro


ISO 14001 is an international standard that focuses on guidelines for quality management and business improvement in organizations. It is intended to provide a framework for effective quality management with an emphasis on processes, including monitoring, measurement and achieving desired results. The standard is helpful in achieving sustainable performance and continuous improvement of business practices.

ISO 14001:2015 small


SO 14001 is an international standard that focuses on guidelines for quality management and business improvement in organizations. It is intended to provide a framework for effective quality management with a focus on processes, including monitoring, measurement and achieving desired outcomes. The standard is helpful in achieving sustainable performance and continuous improvement of business practices.

ISO 14001:2015 medium


ISO 14001 je mednarodni standard, ki se osredotoča na smernice za upravljanje kakovosti in izboljšanje poslovanja v organizacijah. Namenjen je zagotavljanju okvira za učinkovito upravljanje kakovosti s poudarkom na procesih, vključno s spremljanjem, merjenjem ter doseganjem želenih rezultatov. Standard je v pomoč pri doseganju trajnostne uspešnosti in kontinuiranem izboljševanju poslovnih praks. ISO 14001:2015 medium lahko...