DNA 3.0.2

5. junij 2024


New features and improvements
  • Ability to view deleted attachments
  • New rights group AUTH.ADMIN, allowing users to change authentication and email server settings
  • When uploading a DNA template attachment, the old one should be automatically deleted
  • Links in PDFs should be more noticeable (blue underlined value)
Fixed bugs
  • When an email with an ics attachment arrives in DNA, a meeting is not automatically created
  • If the entity name is very long, it shifts all icons in the header


New features and improvements
  • Archived assessments should not be displayed in the process (show general assessment)
  • FMEA analysis can be viewed within DNA
  • Export FMEA analysis with visible changes from the previous version
  • Control plan can be viewed within DNA
  • Recommended actions in FMEA analysis should include all actions added in the past
  • It should be possible to insert the FMEA analysis sequence number in the FMEA analysis report
  • Visually show which ratings have changed since the previous FMEA analysis
  • Content fields of the FMEA analysis should always display texts from the latest assessment


Fixed bugs
  • When creating an action and clicking directly "To execution", an error occurs, and then the Save button also does not work


Fixed bugs
  • An error occurs when processing RSVP for a meeting if an attendee's email is missing


New features and improvements
  • The column "Special Type" should not be shown in the trainings annual overeview


New features and improvements
  • When creating a new work order, the "Title" field should be pre-filled
  • When adding used equipment to a work order, the equipment name should also include the catalog number
  • It should be possible to define tasks on the work order type
  • The list of used equipment on a work order can be exported separately for parts and services
  • In the task component, it should be possible to add a text field with notes to a task with a checkbox
  • The type of equipment should be changeable
Fixed bugs
  • "Finish unsuccessfully" on the order moves all ordered items to "in stock" status instead of deleting them
  • When adding a company on the Location tab, the form breaks after refreshing the page

Companies in the environment

New features and improvements
  • The company should show a list of equipment located at that company


Fixed bugs
  • If a questionnaire option has very long text, the text overlaps


New features and improvements
  • The risk assessment should have a link to the previous assessment
  • Separate the risk dashboard into technological and regular
  • Risks on the dashboard should be displayed as a scatter chart
Fixed bugs
  • Archived assessments do not appear in the center of the screen
  • Risks cannot be filtered when there are many areas


New features and improvements
  • In addition to proposals, it should be possible to also trigger actions from the model
  • It should be possible to add simple suggestions to the compliance assessment
  • New rights for viewing/editing compliance assessments within the company
  • Display compliance results in a graph or table by model points
  • Compliance requirements should have a short label