DNA 2.3.0

27. May 2021

Processes: bpmn-js

With this version, we integrated a new, better tool for working with processes in DNA: bpmn-js. The main advantages are:
  • usage of a standard BPMN XML notation
  • it is now possible to import process diagrams from other applications
  • easier to use

All changes in this version

New features

  • It should be possible to change the language of the user interface with an icon that is always visible in front of the name of the logged in user


  • Replacing the tool for drawing processes (Activiti -> bpmn-js)
  • There should be some margin when drawing the process diagram because the diagram is right on the edge
  • Update form for tasks
  • Import process diagram in BPMN XML notation into a DNA process
  • When selecting a process from DNA (in the bpmn-js tool), only process names without code and version should be displayed

Educations, Medical examinations

  • Medical and Education managers should be able to change the expiration date of the certificate
  • It should be possible to add a link or attachment to the knowledge/skill


  • The order of roles for the export of objects (actions, meetings, documents) should not be random


  • When I click on the pencil (edit) on an inactive task, it should be possible to enter the description and types of the task immediately
  • It should always be possible to update the task types and task description when editing a process task

Bug fixes

  • Running report Rights by user throws an error


  • An error occurs when creating a new proposal if success assessment is enabled

Medical examinations

  • Entering a medical examination will show " unknown name "
  • Exporting a referral on an appointment does not work if I do not select knowledge/skills on the appointment

Companies in environment

  • Adding a company on a specific company type doesn't work


  • Exporting a project to PDF doesn't work